

There are a lot of definitions out there, but we wanted to keep it simple. We define business coaching as streamlining a business. Making it efficient, increasing it's revenue and opportunities, while lowering it's overhead and expenses. Ultimately, business coaching to us is making your business successful, profitable, and scaleable.
Businesses fail all of the time. At the root, the problem isn't rocket science. A failing business has failed at at least 1 of 2 things; they are spending too much money and/or, they are not making enough money. Mind blowing I know. We dive into the details to understand where you are.
We are creatures of emotion. It's not a bad thing, it's what makes us human. With this, our excitement can cause us to overlook problems in front of us and our anxiety can cause us to make bad decisions. The promise of a large pay day might cloud the expenses you're incurring that you don't need to. The promise of a solution that can solve everything will make you oversea where you can make smaller product or service releases that produce value and profit incrementally. The anxiety to risk might make you miss out on opportunities solely due to bad information. A subjective view is often needed, to look at the facts.
Businesses get to market solving specific problems and providing value. They fix a problem well, and they hit the market fast. Success will drive competitors, and others will copy you. If you allow them to do it better, then you allow them to steal the market you've created. Scalability, sustainability, and user experience are critical to sustained success. Not listening to your users opens the door for them to consider alternative options, as they come up.
We dive into your organization, we learn what it is you do, where your problems truly are (often they're not where you think) and we build a plan to success. We help with the hard decisions. Where are you wasting money? Do your decisions provide returns on their investment? How can make more revenue? How to optimize your processes to create efficiency in all levels? We do this through open and often communication with you.

Steps to Success

Setting expectations is something we love to do. Here's a high level expectation of what working with us looks like

Why Epic Grasp?

With our experience, we've helped everything from (literally) an idea on a napkin to digital and agile transformations on programs over a half a billion dollars. We have the experience and the track record to success!

Free Consultation

It doesn't cost anything to have a chat. Tell us where you would like to be, how your journey has gone so far, and we'll help identify where we can help, how, and how much it will cost

Bottom Line

Our goal is your bottom line. What costs are not needed, where can revenue streams be better realized, how to create efficient programs that always deliver. We want your business to adapt faster, deliver better quality consistently, and ultimately make you more money

1 to 1 coaching

In order to truly promote change, there has to be a personal touch. For when transformation is required, 1 to 1 coaching is the best course of action.


Our coaches have worked with businesses of all different sizes and needs. We custom build a program to each client, their needs, and their budget. We need you to be success, so working within a budget is a requirement!


We are experts at finding efficiencies. We make businesses run smoother, with less red tape, more empowerment, faster decisions, and better quality. All by identifying inefficient and costly processes and promoting a more dynamic and communication centric environment


Our Coaches have been (or currently still are) business owners, they have coached businesses, and they have worked for larger organizations. They have worked in all aspects of business and have learned a lot of lessons along the ways. To be a coach with us, you must have experience in multiple situations and businesses

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