
Coach the startup, or the entrepreneur?

We believe to be successful, you need to coach both


Being a great entrepreneur means keeping the right attitude while having the determination and the grit to achieve success. The top entrepreneurs are excited about their product or service, but not blind to it. They have a direction and a sense of purpose, but are open and adaptable to changes. Nothing goes to plan. Success makes them hungry, rejection makes them hungrier
90% of Startups fail. That's a staggering and scary number. That doesn't mean you will fail, but it's not something that can be ignored. 9 out of 10 Entrepreneurs don't believe they will fail. They have all the right intentions, and they have a product or service they believe in. They've read the articles, done the research and have "the plan". Yet the numbers don't lie, 9 out of 10 still fail
With the failure rate being so high, and the risk of uncertainty, most great ideas are never realized. Think about that for a second, think of all the great products, services, advancements we've made over the last decade and more, and most great ideas are shelved because of an entrepreneurs fear of failure before even starting. Those that do start, see a high failure rate.
Whether it not focusing on the customer first, lack of focus, lack of trust, or not prioritizing properly, startups fail for a number of different reasons. That's not you right? No one thinks it is, but yet a 90% failure rate... I like to bring it back to sociology, we get emotionally invested. Fear, misguided confidence, and most importantly ego get's in the way of most entrepreneurs. The emotions get in the way of research. Ego gets in the way of decisions.
To be in the 10% means to change the strategy. There's nothing wrong keeping your emotions, but knowing when the check them and look at the data and the feedback is critical. More importantly, you have to learn to stick to the strategy and evolve when things get hard. Everyone starts with the best intentions, but often get distracted. Make sure your product or service fit the market problem, do not ignore the facts, build a great team with members that can wear multiple hats. Plan to scale, but don't solve world hunger all at once. Obtaining a net positive cash-flow is what we teach.

The steps to success

Startups are different, Entrepreneurs are different, but our high-level strategy is the same.

What you get with Epic Grasp

We want you to be successful. Not only is it what get's us up in the morning, and makes us sleep better at night, it's good for our business. Your success benefits us professionally, and personally. It's our commitment to you, that allows us to achieve our commitment to ourselves.

Free Consultations

It doesn't cost anything to have a chat. Tell us where you would like to be, how your journey has gone so far, and we'll help identify where we can help, how, and how much it will cost

Arms length

Being at an arms length, our emotions are not part of your business. We bring a realistic and fact based approached to your business. By taking this, combining it with the direction and plan you have, we work together to make sure your on the right path.

1 to 1 coaching

In order to truly promote change, there has to be a personal touch. For when transformation is required, 1 to 1 coaching is the best course of action.

Longer Terms

With longer term, budget friendly programs, we stay engaged through your plan transformation; guiding, coaching, adjusting, and ensuring success.

Experienced Coaches

Our coaches have opened startups. Some not successful. We've helped everything from literally an idea on a napkin, to entrepreneurs who have been pushing for years and need help getting over the edge. We've made mistakes, and we've been successful, and we can share those with you

Budget Friendly

A full time coach is a diminishing return. Our programs are built to your budget. We've helped teams with small coaching budgets, we've helped teams with large coaching engagements. We work within your budget.

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